When did the nature of the web turn fron boundless surfing to endless scrolling?

When did creativity online become about snap-sharing posts for the sake of fleeting "engagement"? When did we settle for "consuming" things we don't even want to consume?

What happened to the spirit of creating and sharing resources within communities of those who share in a common passion? What happened to having the freedom to do so, without the pressure of performance, popularity, or metrics?

What happened to the personal web?

Many of us have experienced just how stifling it can be to silo ourselves into modern "social" media platforms and applications -- many of which have continued to deprive us more and more of our creative freedom. Many of us have fought and struggled to find ways to work around these limitations. All the while, our true voices have been thinned, choked, amidst deluges of advertisements, promoted content, and trend chasing. For those who are happy to consume and play this game, this may be enough of a satisfying experience online -- but I ask to those whose creativity is ingrained in the very marrow of their bones: is it truly enough?

I would love to see a return to netizens making personal sites, communities, and forums, in spaces that extend far beyond platforms run by entities who do not have our best interests in mind. "Mainstream" social media can have its place for those who actually "enjoy" using it, but for those who wish to create things together, curate their own online experiences, or forge deeper, human connections with others who share this sentiment, it is certainly not the best or only option out there.

Beyond the walls of platforms which seem to dominate the skyline of this infinite space is an online world truly so much bigger than what we've been trained to see. And it can grow to become so much more too: more beautiful, wilder, and free, when we work together to build it in that way.

✶ Shoals

[Originally Published 12.28.2021, Last Edited 01.26.2022]